Set ID using Dynamixel Arduino Shield

Servo Model: AX-12W
Control environment: Arduino and Dynamixel Shield with 12V power

Issue: We are having difficulty changing the ID of the Dynamixel servo using an Arduino shield. We have all recommended libraries installed and are able to control a single motor. We need to change the IDs so as to control multiple motors at a time.

Hello @mhoffm12, thank you for your post and welcome to our Community page. I should be able to provide some information that can assist with your inquiry:

To change the ID of your servo, there should be an example code in the libraries for DYNAMIXEL Shield named β€œid” which will change the ID number from the default β€œ1” to the β€œnew id” the user defines in the example code statements. Have you had the opportunity to try this example?

Depending on your specific Arduino board, it may assist to use the LN-101 with the UART port on the DYNAMIXEL Shield. This can also provide a secondary serial port connection to read serial print information from the board. More information on using the LN-101 can be found in the below videos:

General overview of DYNAMIXEL Shield with example code:

Changing serial port to read values from LN-101:

Let me know if this helps!

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