Wait till goal position on 2XL430-W250-T

I an mew to dynamixels and trying to learn to drive them. I am using a CM-550 controller and programming in python.

I am trying to work out how best to detect when the dynamixel has reached it goal position.

this is what I have done:

set register 11 to 3
register 10 to 0
then turn torque on
set register 112 to my desired speed

when I set my goal position the dynamixel starts to move towards goal position and I now need my code to wait till it reaches it goal position before executing the next command.

if I monitor the status of register 122 it return 0 on first couple of reads as the dynamixel has not yet picked up speed then reads 1 after that till it get to goal position. If set a really low speed in register 112 then it reads 0 the whole time .

What’s the best way to wait till it has reached the goal position??

OK I seem to have found what might be the best way, I read register 123 and mask off bit 1

read8(123) & 1

If there is a better way let me know

Hello @Out_of_the_BOTS, thanks for posting this question. I’d just like to confirm for your reference that bit 1 of address 123 (“Moving Status”) is also what I would recommend as the best way to know when the DYNAMIXEL has reached its “goal” position.

This can be referenced for both the 2XL430-W250-T as well as other models within DYNAMIXEL X-series that offer the Moving Status firmware address.

Let me know if you have any other questions!

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