Using U2D2 with XL330s and XL430s in conjunction with BIOLOID hardware

Since the XL330s came out a few months ago, I had been interested in using the new XL330s together with the XL430s of the ENGINEER kits. But the XL330s use 5V and the XL430s use 11.1-12V, and I have only 1 U2D2 and 1 U2D2 Power Hub! However, I do have “older” BIOLOID hardware that can be adapted for this “new” job. This video shows how I adapted the SMPS2Dynamixel and 3P PCB Hubs to isolate the 5V circuit (XL330s) from the 12V circuit (XL430s) while keeping the communications lines between XL330s and XL430s in place.

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Thank you for good tips to chain XL430/330 together although they are running at different voltage.

But sadly, the shared video is not shared for everyone :frowning:

Thanks for letting me know, I have set it so that it can be embedded on this Community web site.