Setting the operating mode

I would like to set the operating mode current control mode.
However, it is not shown on the homepage where you can look everything up.
However, the mode is included in the specifications.
Can you tell me the value I need to set that the current control mode is active?

The current operating mode is specified by address 11 on the control table. Setting this value to 0, as stated on the eManual page will enable Current Control Mode.

Depending on your control solution the specific method of setting this value will differ.

Thank you for your answer.

Can you tell me what parameters I have to set on the motor so that no matter what force is applied to the motor, it applies the same torque?

Setting the Current Limit will specify the maximum amount of torque that your servo will output during movement. Goal Current is used to specify the desired torque for a specific command or movement.

Heißt das, wenn ich die Stromgrenze festlege, dass der Motor egal welche Last an ihm hängt jedes Mal das Maximale Drehmoment aufbringt? Oder kann ich damit nur das Drehmoment bei sehr großer Last bestimmen und bei geringerer Last bringt er ein dementsprechend kleineres Drehmoment auf?

Does this mean that if I set the current limit, the motor will output the maximum torque every time no matter what load is applied to it? Or can I only determine the torque at very high load and at lower load it will produce a correspondingly lower torque?

The Current Limit allows you to set a maximum torque limit for the servo. If you set one and the servo attempts to exceed it, the servo will report an Overload Error Status and shutdown.

The Goal Current sets the desired torque output for the current motion. In Current Control mode, this is the only parameter used to move the servo. In Current Based Positon Control mode this is used to specify the output force while moving to the Goal Positon.

This means I can set my torque that I want the motor to apply no matter what the load is in current based load control mode, correct?

Which Operatin Mode number do i have to use?

Can you explain exactly what I need to set and then how to test it to see if it would fit?

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Seems this issue is duplicated. Have you tried the solution I provided?

Yes but it did not work

Your first question in this query, a week ago, was how to set Operating Mode.

Which gives me thought that you’ve tried my solution with Position Control Mode (Default Operating Mode) that is the wrong approach in my intention. The Position Control Mode may not functions output regulation by controling Goal Current. Hope your project go success.

Again, please note that simply setting configuration will not make your approach.

You should go programming (For example, DYNAMIXEL SDK), and make your own workflow to control output torque. DYNAMIXEL does not feature auto torque control. Additionally, if your project require very precise system to sense the load. You might be required to add addional sensors such as Force Sensor which gives much better performance.

I hope you find any related resource (Link, Image, Video) and share it with the community users and let’em can refer to and understand your approach.

Would it be possible for us to talk on the phone?

Refer to Goal Current(address 102) in Current control mode and Current-based Position Control mode

As you know, Torque is proportional to Current. Please refer to the below video, in which Dynamixel generates uniform torque regardless of external force/torque.

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Thank you, this ist very helpful.
But how can i see in the Video or generell that the motor use the same torque does not matter how big the force is?

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The video quality below is not good, but sometimes a simple video can be a good material.

Please watch the red line(present current, address 126) and external force applied by hand.
you can see that the red line is uniformly controlled as Goal Current.

Okay this was helpful, but how do I get the motor to rotate continuously.
I must then set the graph “Present Current” and “Present Load”, so that I get the result as in the video out.
Have I understood correctly that the torque is proportional to the current?
That means in the video you have seen that no matter what load acts on the motor, the motor always applies the same current and thus the same torque, right?

and how do I get the settings so that it looks like this?

I am working with the software Dynamixel Wizard 2.0, but so far I have not been able to get the graph to spit out such an image.