RAM control table changes with OpenCM9.04 and XL-320


I’m now moving these motors (thanks here - OpenCM9.04 and XL-320 motors not working - Hardware Support - ROBOTIS). But I have been unable to update PID gain values using the “writeControlTableItem” function. I’ve tried to set new values and read them back, but it returns 0 for all the PID values (according to the emanual, the default value for POSITION_P_GAIN is 32, but it returns 0 there as well). Anything I’m missing? I’ll post details and code below.


As before, I’m using:

  • 2x XL-320 motors
  • OpenCM9.04 board, connected to PC via USB
  • Arduino IDE v1.8.13
  • OpenCM9.04 boards package v1.5.1
  • Dynamixel2Arduino library v0.5.1
  • no external power supply EDIT 7.4V supplied via bench power supply

Code I’ve been working from:

#include <Dynamixel2Arduino.h>

#define DXL_SERIAL   Serial1 //OpenCM9.04 EXP Board's DXL port Serial. (Serial1 for the DXL port on the OpenCM 9.04 board)
const uint8_t DXL_DIR_PIN = 28; //OpenCM9.04 EXP Board's DIR PIN. (28 for the DXL port on the OpenCM 9.04 board)
const float DXL_PROTOCOL_VERSION = 2.0;

#define MAX_BAUD  5
const int32_t buad[MAX_BAUD] = {57600, 115200, 1000000, 2000000, 3000000};

#define X_ID 1
#define Y_ID 2

// motors appear to have the center NEAR 512 units but not exactly
#define X_CENTER 520
#define Y_CENTER 526
const float UNITS_PER_DEG = 1024.0/280.0;

// set physical parameters
const float X_ARM_L = 11.0; // mm
const float Y_ARM_L = 16.0; // mm
const float X_MAX = 7.0; // mm
const float X_MIN = -7.0; // mm
const float Y_MAX = 12.0; // mm
const float Y_MIN = -12.0; // mm
const float XY_STEP_SIZE = 2.0 ; // mm

float xTarget = 0.0; // mm, range
float yTarget = 0.0; // mm, range
float xCommand = X_CENTER; // dynamixel step
float yCommand = Y_CENTER; // dynamixel step

Dynamixel2Arduino dxl(DXL_SERIAL, DXL_DIR_PIN);

//This namespace is required to use Control table item names
using namespace ControlTableItem;

void setup() {
  // put your setup code here, to run once:
  int8_t index = 0;
  int8_t found_dynamixel = 0;

  // Use UART port of DYNAMIXEL Shield to debug.
  Serial.begin(115200);   //set debugging port baudrate to 115200bps
  while(!Serial);         //Wait until the serial port is opened

//  // scan for connected motors
//  // this can be removed when code is more complete
//  for(int8_t protocol = 1; protocol < 3; protocol++) {
//    // Set Port Protocol Version. This has to match with DYNAMIXEL protocol version.
//    dxl.setPortProtocolVersion((float)protocol);
//    Serial.print("SCAN PROTOCOL ");
//    Serial.println(protocol);
//    for(index = 0; index < MAX_BAUD; index++) {
//      // Set Port baudrate.
//      Serial.print("SCAN BAUDRATE ");
//      Serial.println(buad[index]);
//      dxl.begin(buad[index]);
//      for(int id = 0; id < DXL_BROADCAST_ID; id++) {
//        //iterate until all ID in each buadrate is scanned.
//        if(dxl.ping(id)) {
//          Serial.print("ID : ");
//          Serial.print(id);
//          Serial.print(", Model Number: ");
//          Serial.println(dxl.getModelNumber(id));
//          found_dynamixel++;
//        }
//      }
//    }
//  } // end scan routine

  // Set Port baudrate to 1Mbps. This has to match with DYNAMIXEL baudrate.
  // Set Port Protocol Version. This has to match with DYNAMIXEL protocol version.

  // Turn off torque when configuring items in EEPROM area
  //   using position mode for now
  dxl.setOperatingMode(X_ID, OP_POSITION);
  dxl.setOperatingMode(Y_ID, OP_POSITION);
  // Limit the maximum velocity in Position Control Mode. Use 0 for Max speed
  dxl.writeControlTableItem(PROFILE_VELOCITY, X_ID, 0);
  dxl.writeControlTableItem(PROFILE_VELOCITY, Y_ID, 0);

  // mess with PID values
  //  27   1   D Gain  Derivative Gain   RW  0   0   254
  //  28   1   I Gain  Integral Gain     RW  0   0   254
  //  29   1   P Gain  Proportional Gain RW  32  0   254
  dxl.writeControlTableItem(POSITION_P_GAIN, X_ID, 32); delay(500);
  dxl.writeControlTableItem(POSITION_I_GAIN, X_ID, 1); delay(500);
  dxl.writeControlTableItem(POSITION_D_GAIN, X_ID, 1); delay(500);
  // check PID values
  Serial.print("XP "); Serial.println(dxl.readControlTableItem(POSITION_P_GAIN, X_ID)); delay(500);
  Serial.print("XI "); Serial.println(dxl.readControlTableItem(POSITION_I_GAIN, X_ID)); delay(500);
  Serial.print("XD "); Serial.println(dxl.readControlTableItem(POSITION_D_GAIN, X_ID)); delay(500);
  Serial.print("YP "); Serial.println(dxl.readControlTableItem(POSITION_P_GAIN, Y_ID)); delay(500);
  Serial.print("YI "); Serial.println(dxl.readControlTableItem(POSITION_I_GAIN, Y_ID)); delay(500);
  Serial.print("YD "); Serial.println(dxl.readControlTableItem(POSITION_D_GAIN, Y_ID)); delay(500);
  Serial.print("X_TORQUE_LIMIT "); Serial.println(dxl.readControlTableItem(TORQUE_LIMIT, X_ID)); delay(500);
  Serial.print("Y_TORQUE_LIMIT "); Serial.println(dxl.readControlTableItem(TORQUE_LIMIT, Y_ID)); delay(500);
  Serial.print("X_CURRENT_LIMIT "); Serial.println(dxl.readControlTableItem(CURRENT_LIMIT, X_ID)); delay(500);
  Serial.print("Y_CURRENT_LIMIT "); Serial.println(dxl.readControlTableItem(CURRENT_LIMIT, Y_ID)); delay(500);

  // I think it might need a moment to set the torque on, or something

  // move both motors to center positions
  delay(1000); // time to reach position
  delay(1000); // time to reach position

void loop() {
  // print current position
//  Serial.print("X pos: "); Serial.print(dxl.getPresentPosition(X_ID)); Serial.print("\t");
//  Serial.print("Y pos: "); Serial.print(dxl.getPresentPosition(Y_ID)); Serial.print("\t");
//  Serial.print("\n");
//  dxl.setGoalPosition(X_ID,X_CENTER + UNITS_PER_DEG*45.0);
//  delay(1000);
//  dxl.setGoalPosition(X_ID,X_CENTER - UNITS_PER_DEG*45.0);
//  delay(1000);
//  dxl.setGoalPosition(Y_ID,Y_CENTER + UNITS_PER_DEG*45.0);
//  delay(1000);
//  dxl.setGoalPosition(Y_ID,Y_CENTER - UNITS_PER_DEG*45.0);
//  delay(1000);

    // see if user input anything in serial monitor
  if (Serial.available() > 0) {
    char userInput = Serial.read();
    if (userInput == 'a') {
      // nudge left (+x)
      xTarget += XY_STEP_SIZE;
    } else if (userInput == 'd') {
      // nudge right (-x)
      xTarget -= XY_STEP_SIZE;
    } else if (userInput == 'w') {
      // nudge forward (+y)
      yTarget += XY_STEP_SIZE;
    } else if (userInput == 's') {
      // nudge backward (-y)
      yTarget -= XY_STEP_SIZE;
    } else {
      Serial.println("Only accepting 'wasd' keyboard input.");
    while(Serial.available()){Serial.read();}  // make sure the buffer is empty

  // check that values are acceptable
  if (xTarget > X_MAX) { xTarget = X_MAX; Serial.println("X_MAX limit."); }
  if (xTarget < X_MIN) { xTarget = X_MIN; Serial.println("X_MIN limit."); }
  if (yTarget > Y_MAX) { yTarget = Y_MAX; Serial.println("Y_MAX limit."); }
  if (yTarget < Y_MIN) { yTarget = Y_MIN; Serial.println("Y_MIN limit."); }
  // convert xTarget and yTarget to xCommand (dynamixel unit) and yCommand
  xCommand = round( degrees(asin(xTarget/X_ARM_L)) * UNITS_PER_DEG + X_CENTER );
  yCommand = round( degrees(asin(yTarget/Y_ARM_L)) * UNITS_PER_DEG + Y_CENTER );

  // move

  Serial.print("Targets (x,y): "); Serial.print(xTarget); Serial.print(", "); Serial.print(yTarget); Serial.print("\t");
  Serial.print("Command (x,y): "); Serial.print(xCommand); Serial.print(", "); Serial.print(yCommand); Serial.print("\t"); 
  Serial.print("Current (x,y): "); Serial.print(dxl.getPresentPosition(X_ID)); Serial.print(", "); Serial.println(dxl.getPresentPosition(Y_ID));
//  delay(100);


And a sample of the output in the following post!

I was being a dummy re: poor accuracy so will edit the title. With the setup connected to external power, the performance is significantly better (will post some output below). However I still don’t know how to set gain values, so any help there would be greatly appreciated!

XP 0
XI 0
XD 0
YP 0
YI 0
YD 0
Targets (x,y): 0.00, 0.00	Command (x,y): 520.00, 526.00	Current (x,y): 518.00, 526.00
Targets (x,y): 0.00, 0.00	Command (x,y): 520.00, 526.00	Current (x,y): 518.00, 526.00
Targets (x,y): 0.00, 0.00	Command (x,y): 520.00, 526.00	Current (x,y): 518.00, 526.00
Targets (x,y): 0.00, 0.00	Command (x,y): 520.00, 526.00	Current (x,y): 518.00, 526.00
Targets (x,y): 0.00, 0.00	Command (x,y): 520.00, 526.00	Current (x,y): 518.00, 526.00
Targets (x,y): 0.00, 0.00	Command (x,y): 520.00, 526.00	Current (x,y): 518.00, 526.00
Targets (x,y): 0.00, 0.00	Command (x,y): 520.00, 526.00	Current (x,y): 518.00, 526.00
Targets (x,y): 0.00, 0.00	Command (x,y): 520.00, 526.00	Current (x,y): 518.00, 526.00
Targets (x,y): 0.00, 0.00	Command (x,y): 520.00, 526.00	Current (x,y): 518.00, 526.00
Targets (x,y): 0.00, 0.00	Command (x,y): 520.00, 526.00	Current (x,y): 518.00, 526.00
Targets (x,y): 0.00, 0.00	Command (x,y): 520.00, 526.00	Current (x,y): 518.00, 526.00
Targets (x,y): 0.00, 0.50	Command (x,y): 520.00, 533.00	Current (x,y): 518.00, 528.00
Targets (x,y): 0.00, 0.50	Command (x,y): 520.00, 533.00	Current (x,y): 518.00, 530.00
Targets (x,y): 0.00, 0.50	Command (x,y): 520.00, 533.00	Current (x,y): 518.00, 530.00
Targets (x,y): 0.00, 0.50	Command (x,y): 520.00, 533.00	Current (x,y): 518.00, 530.00
Targets (x,y): 0.00, 1.00	Command (x,y): 520.00, 539.00	Current (x,y): 518.00, 536.00
Targets (x,y): 0.00, 1.00	Command (x,y): 520.00, 539.00	Current (x,y): 518.00, 536.00
Targets (x,y): 0.00, 1.00	Command (x,y): 520.00, 539.00	Current (x,y): 518.00, 536.00
Targets (x,y): 0.00, 1.00	Command (x,y): 520.00, 539.00	Current (x,y): 518.00, 536.00
Targets (x,y): 0.00, 1.50	Command (x,y): 520.00, 546.00	Current (x,y): 518.00, 542.00
Targets (x,y): 0.00, 1.50	Command (x,y): 520.00, 546.00	Current (x,y): 518.00, 543.00
Targets (x,y): 0.00, 1.50	Command (x,y): 520.00, 546.00	Current (x,y): 517.00, 543.00
Targets (x,y): 0.00, 2.00	Command (x,y): 520.00, 552.00	Current (x,y): 518.00, 548.00
Targets (x,y): 0.00, 2.00	Command (x,y): 520.00, 552.00	Current (x,y): 518.00, 549.00
Targets (x,y): 0.00, 2.00	Command (x,y): 520.00, 552.00	Current (x,y): 518.00, 550.00
Targets (x,y): 0.00, 2.50	Command (x,y): 520.00, 559.00	Current (x,y): 518.00, 556.00
Targets (x,y): 0.00, 2.50	Command (x,y): 520.00, 559.00	Current (x,y): 518.00, 556.00
Targets (x,y): 0.00, 2.50	Command (x,y): 520.00, 559.00	Current (x,y): 518.00, 556.00
Targets (x,y): 0.00, 2.50	Command (x,y): 520.00, 559.00	Current (x,y): 518.00, 556.00
Targets (x,y): 0.00, 2.50	Command (x,y): 520.00, 559.00	Current (x,y): 518.00, 556.00
Targets (x,y): 0.00, 2.50	Command (x,y): 520.00, 559.00	Current (x,y): 518.00, 556.00
Targets (x,y): 0.50, 2.50	Command (x,y): 530.00, 559.00	Current (x,y): 527.00, 556.00
Targets (x,y): 0.50, 2.50	Command (x,y): 530.00, 559.00	Current (x,y): 528.00, 556.00
Targets (x,y): 1.00, 2.50	Command (x,y): 539.00, 559.00	Current (x,y): 537.00, 556.00
Targets (x,y): 1.50, 2.50	Command (x,y): 549.00, 559.00	Current (x,y): 547.00, 556.00
Targets (x,y): 1.50, 2.50	Command (x,y): 549.00, 559.00	Current (x,y): 547.00, 556.00
Targets (x,y): 1.50, 2.50	Command (x,y): 549.00, 559.00	Current (x,y): 547.00, 556.00
Targets (x,y): 1.50, 2.50	Command (x,y): 549.00, 559.00	Current (x,y): 547.00, 556.00
Targets (x,y): 1.50, 2.50	Command (x,y): 549.00, 559.00	Current (x,y): 547.00, 556.00
Targets (x,y): 1.50, 2.50	Command (x,y): 549.00, 559.00	Current (x,y): 547.00, 556.00
Targets (x,y): 1.50, 2.50	Command (x,y): 549.00, 559.00	Current (x,y): 547.00, 556.00
Targets (x,y): 1.50, 2.50	Command (x,y): 549.00, 559.00	Current (x,y): 547.00, 556.00
Targets (x,y): 1.00, 2.50	Command (x,y): 539.00, 559.00	Current (x,y): 539.00, 556.00
Targets (x,y): 0.50, 2.50	Command (x,y): 530.00, 559.00	Current (x,y): 530.00, 556.00
Targets (x,y): 0.50, 2.50	Command (x,y): 530.00, 559.00	Current (x,y): 530.00, 556.00
Targets (x,y): 0.00, 2.50	Command (x,y): 520.00, 559.00	Current (x,y): 520.00, 556.00
Targets (x,y): -0.50, 2.50	Command (x,y): 510.00, 559.00	Current (x,y): 509.00, 556.00
Targets (x,y): -0.50, 2.50	Command (x,y): 510.00, 559.00	Current (x,y): 509.00, 556.00
Targets (x,y): -1.00, 2.50	Command (x,y): 501.00, 559.00	Current (x,y): 500.00, 556.00
Targets (x,y): -1.00, 2.50	Command (x,y): 501.00, 559.00	Current (x,y): 500.00, 556.00
Targets (x,y): -1.00, 2.50	Command (x,y): 501.00, 559.00	Current (x,y): 500.00, 556.00
Targets (x,y): -1.00, 2.50	Command (x,y): 501.00, 559.00	Current (x,y): 500.00, 556.00
Targets (x,y): -1.00, 2.50	Command (x,y): 501.00, 559.00	Current (x,y): 500.00, 556.00
Targets (x,y): -1.00, 2.50	Command (x,y): 501.00, 559.00	Current (x,y): 500.00, 556.00
Targets (x,y): -1.00, 2.50	Command (x,y): 501.00, 559.00	Current (x,y): 500.00, 556.00
Targets (x,y): -1.00, 2.50	Command (x,y): 501.00, 559.00	Current (x,y): 500.00, 556.00

I think that you may have used the wrong Control Table Items, the XL-320 is a much older actuator and it has this Control Table Info as shown below:

The other newer XL actuators like 330 and 430 use this Control Table Info

In other words, please try to use MOVING_SPEED instead of PROFILE_VELOCITY, P_GAIN instead of POSITION_P_GAIN, etc.

For more details, please download the actual source code for the Dynamixel2Arduino library from the ROBOTIS GitHub (GitHub - ROBOTIS-GIT/Dynamixel2Arduino: DYNAMIXEL protocol library for Arduino). Unzip this file and find the source code named “actuator.cpp” which has all the details that I extracted out in my previous two screenshots.

Also, you may be already familiar with the e-manual info for the Control Table for the XL-320 which is at (XL-320).

Lastly, I would recommend to recover the firmware on your XL-320s as you had been writing into Control Table Addresses that you did not mean to, just to get the XL-320s “back to normal” and to be on the safe side.

Right thank you @roboteer !

Is there a quick way to recover the firmware?

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I would restore the ROBOTIS firmware back onto the OpenCM-904 first, so that you can use the MANAGER tool (if you have a Windows PC). Then from the MANAGER tool, you can recover the XL-320’s firmware ONE by ONE (via the OpenCM-904 board).


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To add up information to @roboteer’s advice,

See OpenCM 485 EXP

  • Although the e-Manual I shared is linked for the OpenCM485 EXP board (OpenCM 9.04 interface)
    you can follow the steps exactly same.

Hope your projects going well.