Building a Gripper with DYNAMIXEL for Amber B1 Robotic Arm

Hey everyone,

Skyentific is a prolific YouTuber creating content focusing on robots and the latest hardware. I think his latest video I’m sharing today is one of my favorite that I’ve seen! The newest video shows the design, installation, and testing of a custom, two-finger gripper using DYNAMIXEL X-series on one of the new Amber B1 robotic arms. Check out Amber B1 here if you’re interested.

To interface the DYNAMIXEL X-series with the Amber B1 arm, Skyentific uses the new DYNAMIXEL Shield for Arduino MKR Series combined with Arduino MKR, and a CAN communication shield for Arduino MKR boards. More information about the MKR Shield and CAN resources can be found linked below!

DYNAMIXEL Shield for Arduino MKR Series: DYNAMIXEL Shield for Arduino MKR Series - ROBOTIS
DYNAMIXEL MKR Shield + CAN Communication info: DYNAMIXEL Shield MKR