Bioloid premium robot

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    To whom it may concern, I have the bioloid premium robot kit, and had to rebuild it.
    So, everything is connected but when I go into the robo manager I see all the servos
    but when I press all the buttons in back of the robots controller the robot I hear the sounds as the robot tries to get out of its crouching position, but can’t stand straight up. Can anyone help me out thank you, Mike.

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Hello Mike,

It would help me quite a lot to resolve your issue if you could provide me with some photos or videos of the issue you are describing. It would help me get a better idea of what exactly is going on so I can help you out.

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Suggesting one test that you can do with the Manager tool. You already mentioned that you can “see” all the DXLs, can you test them by changing their Goal Position values - one DXL at a time and just a little bit - to see of each and every one of them is working properly?

Also assuming that you already downloaded the proper MOTION and TASK codes down to the robot’s controller? Was this step OK too?

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I guess one of the DYNAMIXEL assembled has been somewhat wrongly positioned. As @roboteer suggested, try moving the DYNAMIXEL individually using R+Manager and see if they are correctly assembled.

And please share video and any images documenting your issue at the next query, this would give people better insight on issues.